Smart Bodegas 4.0

There is a need to stand out in the wine production and care, for this we need to track and record each every one of the factors involved in the process

Project background

There is a need to stand out in the wine production and care, for this we need to track and record each every one of the factors involved in the process. This also includes the vineyard location and the environmental conditions.

Until now it was a very expensive and difficult task to track all the parameters involved in the wine-growing process. To address this problem we have developed an innovative low cost solution that will allow to reach and measure every inch of our vineyards and wine cellars.

With our management system you could know significant parameters related to your vinyeard and winery such as rainfall data, humidity, temperature, etc. This data will help you to save money and take action only if necessary.

Once recorded, you can share data reports with your clients or just have extra information about your winery procedures. This could also help you to improve your product quality and highlight your brand.

Problem analysis and reporting solutions


The use of innovative techonologies allow us to build and evolve custom projects. In Redytel IoT we have a dedicated, highly experienced team of IT experts.

Advanced support

The lack of user's understanding about capabilities and benefits of data analytics could waste the opportunity of make considerable improvements in the winery development. To avoid this issue we have build user-friendly web-based platforms. In addition to this, we'll help and teach users everything they need about the platform.

Open source

Our commitment to Open Source give us the chance to work with innovative and iterative platforms and also relieve users. This means that our platform could receive frequently updates without cost to users.


Project results



Using long-range wireless data communication technologies within an open EU band allows us to connect hundreds of sensors and cover wide areas.

The use of open source and free technologies makes our clients feel relieved without feeling the pressure of closed system or software licenses.

Control 100%
Efficiency 100%
Ecology 95%
Safety 90%

Project stages

Place sensors

During a month it will be installed all the devices and set up the platform


In this stage the platform and the prototypes need to be tested. This should take about three weeks


Once the platform and devices are running properly we can work on specific upgrades and improvements.


Once a year we can collect and analyse relevant data


Forward-looking character

Our low-powered sensors and solid network platform could help tracking a diverse range of environmental variables such as: air/water quality, leaks, energy consumption, etc.

Entrevista con Óscar Cela - Jornadas Tecnológicas Sector Agroalimentario

Mientras llegan los sensores de CO2, toca ponerse el abrigo o la manta en clase (Cadena Ser)

Entrevista con Óscar Cela en Tarde o Temprano (Canarias Radio)